During the first debate between McCain and Obama (this was my first year of watching all the debates), McCain mentioned the website Citizens Against Government Waste. Well, that is one of my pet peeves -- politicians wasting my hard-earned tax money. I'm like Jeff Foxworthy -- if 10% is good enough for God -- it should be good enough for the government. But no, they have to take 30% or more -- and along with state tax, property tax, auto tax, Social Security, sales tax, and it goes on -- I barely get to keep half of what I make. So check out the website and sign up for emails to alert you about the Porkers of the Month. This month it's the head of the FCC who used our tax money to sponsor a race car -- that crashed in its first race. Check it out.
There is more than you can ever think of to look at on YouTube about the election. Some of the best:
- An Atlanta video "Why I'm Voting for Obama" -- Although the title can be misleading to some, this is a video made by some of the girls in Anna's small group at her church in Buckhead -- a must-see!
- Howard Stern show asks people in Harlem why they're voting for Obama
- Cute little 4-year-old says "vote"
- 2008 Candidate Girl Olympics -- this is pretty funny and bi-partisan -- Obama Girl vs McCain Girl -- this is the first in a series.
- Iraq War Vet message -- This is really good and gets you at the end.
In the Alabama State election, I didn't understand the amendment about the Rainy Day fund. This is an explanation from Voices for Alabama's Children, a PACT for the Dept. of Education, so I'm sure it's biased for the schools -- but since my husband is a teacher and our income depends on the county board of education being able to pay him -- I'm for it! Read about Amendment 1.
I still don't understand the Home Rule Amendment for Geneva County. I'm getting too many conflicting opinions. It may be a good thing -- but could lead to too much government telling property owners what to do.
Information about Alabama's election amendments at BallotPedia.org
And about the latest email going around about voting a straight ticket -- it's true for some states. Check it out on Snopes.
Here's another interesting website -- DonorSecrets.org. You can look up by zip code the names of people who have donated to presidential candidates this season.
Most importantly -- pray for this important election -- and VOTE on Tues., Nov. 4. Anna stood in line in Atlanta for 2 hours to vote early the other day -- and was told that was a good wait -- most have been 4 to 8 hours. It's a priviledge and honor most people around the world do not have. Plus, if your guy loses -- you can feel better by complaining for the next four years!