Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Facebook . . . now bring on Twitter!

It took me a while to get into Facebook. I kept thinking it was this horrible teenage thing where you wrote nasty messages on the snotty girls' walls and posted party photos. What started as something I intended for work -- for our Youth Tour -- turned into something personal as I kept finding "friends!" I realized I couldn't combine "work" and "personal," so I'll develop another Facebook wall for the work thing.

Someone at a conference I attended in the past year commented they should rename Facebook, "Reunion Book!" Well, it's true. I've found people I haven't talked to for years from my high school in Germantown, Tenn. I found one of my best friends from high school now living in California who was in our wedding that I had lost touch with. We've got this little group going called "Germantown Alumni."

I'm now a member of "Auburn Fans," and "Fans of J.T.," and "Fans of BBQ!"

And every day I'm adding new friends! My kids friends! Students I've taken to youth conferences! My friends recommend other friends! My whole world is opening up!

I read an article in a magazine the other day about old people taking over Facebook! Yes, it's true! I'm sure the teenagers are really mad! All us old people are on Facebook and can find them! It's not their "thing" anymore -- the old people have figured out a way to navigate the mysterious world of Facebook!

And I won't even go into "Twitter!" I feel like Mr. Rogers . . . "Won't you be my neighbor?"

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