Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yes, I've become an addict!

No, not drugs -- Dancing with the Stars and American Idol!

I've been watching DWTS for several seasons now since my friends Chellie (at South Alabama EC) and Terry (at West Florida EC) got me hooked. Every time we had a co-op meeting, they were always talking about Dancing contestants and who they liked and didn't like. So I had to start watching so I could converse like an expert addict!

So now tonight is the finale, and I'm going to be so sad not to have it to watch each week! And all three of the final contestants are so great. Gilles is so hot, and seems so humble too, I just love him. And Melissa, I want her to win to show that bachelor something. And Shawn is just plain cute! Here it comes . . . third place is . . . Melissa. Shucks! So who's it going to be?

While I'm waiting . . . I'll talk Idol. I loved Danny -- and he was kicked off last week. Both Kris and Adam are great -- and Adam is so versatile. Until tonight when he came out in that long black coat -- that was a little too goth for me -- so I'm rooting for Kris. He's just too cute and I love his voice! And I haven't watched American Idol since Anna moved out! I just couldn't get into it until this year.

And then there's Survivor. I've never been interested in that show either . . . until this year when a young man from Samson, J.T., was selected. I really can't say I watched the whole program, but I'd tape it and fast forward until the end to see if J.T. was still in. I kept hearing rumors that he was 5th or 6th, but he was hanging in there until the end. I was so excited he won! Everyone who knew him talked about what a nice guy he was -- yea J.T.!

Here it comes . . . Dancing with the Stars winner . . . Shawn. Oh well, my third choice. Adam will probably win on Idol tomorrow night now!

They better start Design Star on HGTV soon or I'll bust!

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