Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The cows' day out!

Stacy is on spring break this week -- so yesterday he had big plans to go fishing with brother Greg. I had Civic Club during lunch, and when I returned to the office, I had a nice little message on my voice mail from the sheriff's department that we had cows out -- or they thought they were our cows.

So I called Stacy, and he had gotten the call too and they were on their way home -- so I didn't have to go round up the cows!

Stacy said the ones that got out were the calves that live in the enclosed pen and barn next to the house -- and they had somehow worked the chain off the gate in the barn and escaped!

They had a merry old time in our yard -- knocked over my birdbath and broke it -- stepped on one of the solar lights around the flower bed -- broke limbs off the wax myrtles at the end of the house -- and Stacy tracked them down back in a field down the road. He said when he got to them on the four-wheeler, they looked at him and started walking back toward the house. They just walked back in the yard and back into the barn on their own.

Guess they found out the grass wasn't "greener on the other side" and they actually had it pretty good with someone providing them grain and hay instead of having to track down their own food! They had fun on their day out -- but at the end of the day -- they realized they had it pretty good on the farm! Some of the cows in the barn didn't even leave -- they already knew they had it pretty good and didn't want to mess that up!

Kind of reminds me of politics. Be careful what you wish for -- you may end up with something you don't want out there and didn't realize it was really pretty good before!