Sunday, March 8, 2009

Visiting baby Kate!

Here is a photo from Kate's first photo shoot --by mom Casey! I'm spending the week with Casey, John and baby Kate -- and it's wonderful to get to hold and hug my little granddaughter! I took over the night shift last night, and Casey and John were very glad to get a good night's sleep -- the first they've had since getting home from the hospital! John told me this morning I could move in! Kate is precious and has had her bouts with cholic but did better last night. We brought the great grandmas up with us, and Stacy will come back next weekend and pick me up. Then Anna came this afternoon from Atlanta, so John is stuck with four females in the house! It should be fun!

Last week I chaperoned eleven students to Montgomery for Youth Tour with Janet and Tammie. There were over 100 juniors from all over the state representing electric cooperatives and most of our kids had a good time. Our group was great, but we had to stay up until 11 pm to do bed checks -- and all that walking 5 flights of stairs at the House of Representatives and 5 flights of stairs at the Supreme Court just about did me in! One night they had a riverboat cruise on the Alabama River for the maiden voyage of the Harlott II and the next night galaxy bowling. I haven't bowled in years, and I'm hopeless. At least I was consistent -- mostly gutter balls and one strike! Here are Janet, Tammie and me at the bowling alley. Thanks Janet & Tammie -- you were great as chaperones and a big help to me.
Just found out today that Janet is going to be a grandma also! Her daughter Hannah is pregnant -- and has the flu. Hope all goes well for her this time.
We had one student who wanted to go home the last night at midnight, but I wasn't taking her home (2 hours away) and I was pretty sure her parents didn't want to drive up to get her! She finally got over it, but you'd think a high school junior would be more mature! Ah, what I won't do for the job! But I do love it and spending time with the kids! We'll pick the two who get to go to Youth Tour to Washington DC on March 17. Gotta plan their banquet this week while I'm up here in Madison.

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