Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby Kate

#1 daughter Casey was having some qualms about turning 30 yesterday -- but so did I! How old does that make me to have a child who is 30? But we also have baby Kate on the way -- which will be wonderful to see her beautiful face in March! I sent Casey a tower of chocolates for her birthday -- and she says Kate either loves or hates it -- she moves around alot when Casey eats it! Probably all the caffiene!

All my favorite TV shows are either over or will soon be through for the season, and that's not fun. Project Runway ended about a month ago, and Top Design and Army Wives ended last week -- now Dancing with the Stars is going into semi-finals next week. I really like the ones left and will hate to see anyone go. I was starting to like Boston Legal, but last week it was political and this week dealt with a minor wanting an abortion without her parent's consent -- and they were helping her. That's so bad on so many levels, don't know if I'll watch it again or not. Guess I'll have to check on The Tudors and see when it starts back and subscribe to Showtime again.

Today was Veteran's Day - so our offices at work closed and all of us employees piled on a big bus (coach they like to call it) and took a 4 hour trip to the Lowman Power Plant in Leroy, AL. Not too excited about spending 8 hours on a bus -- but it still fascinates me how power is produced and transmitted over those lines all over the countryside! And who ever thought the whole process up -- that you could take coal and burn it to produce heat that heats water to form steam that turns turbines that energizes a generator that produces electrical current that goes out over lines?

1 comment:

Casey said...

Awww, turning 30 was fun! And just think, you look fabulous for having a daughter who is 30 (who also looks fabulous thanks to her Mom's and Grandma's genes).