Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Websites I've found!

I wish I had changed my hair color long before now! It's so much fun to walk up to someone and most of them look at me like, "Somethings different, but I don't want to say anything in case I just missed it before." Or they'll look at me with shock, then most have said they love my hair. So I'm glad I'm back to brown hair! Maybe it will be blue next time!!

Someone sent me this website for Mrs. Claus' recipes (that's Santa's wife, you know). Tons of candy, cakes and cookies!

Then, once you've baked yourself to death and need to diet, check out this Women's Stress Diet. Now, that's my kind of diet -- although the music is kind of annoying. Don't know why people insist on including annoying music with their websites.

And special for Thanksgiving, this Turkey Shoot website is fun, especially if you've had a bad day at the office and you want to shoot something. You'll be ready to kill that turkey and eat it when you play this game!

Then there is this video about the digital TV conversion coming up in Feb. '09. This reminds me so much of my mother or mother-in-law. It's too funny!

1 comment:

Casey said...

I liked the turkey shoot one - funny!